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Uzdrawianie energetyczne



Na imię mi Oliwia. Ponad 3 lata temu doznałam przebudzenia wspomnień inkarnacyjnych i spontanicznej aktywacji Trzeciego Oka, która umożliwiła mi postrzeganie innych równoległych rzeczywistości oraz dała mi możliwość rozwinięcia samej siebie w kierunku pomagania innym ludziom.

Na co dzień uwielbiam spędzać czas w łonie natury, medytować i zgłębiać tajemnice tego Wszechświata, począwszy od jego struktury po rozwiązywanie najróżniejszych nieodkrytych zagadek. Niesamowicie interesują mnie również Nauki Keylontyczne, które dały mi wiele kluczy do lepszego poznania samej siebie i zrozumienia wzniosłości misji, jaką mają do wypełnienia tutaj wszyscy ludzie na Ziemi.

Pracuję z przestrzeni serca, pomagając każdemu znaleźć drogę służącą ich najwyższemu rozwojowi. Odbywając wiele podróży w Ciele Plazmowym i bezpośrednio współpracując z moimi duchowymi Opiekunami na co dzień rozwijam swoją świadomość i wspieram innych w tym procesie.

Oliwia has changed my life completely for the better. I have had 3 wonderful, amazing, healing sessions with her.
I’m full of gratitude especially for the 1st healing where she literally pulled me out of a black hole where I had been most of my life. I used to be depressed, very negative and nothing has ever worked out for me in the past, except for my gorgeous Son Alec. I’ve tried my hardest at everything but to no avail.
Since my healing sessions I’ve also started a course with Oliwia and my life has turned around 360 degrees. I now have a paid job, friends that listen to me and respect me, my home is cleaner, (spiritually) as well. My thoughts are becoming mine, more each day whereas before my sessions – they weren’t my thoughts at all. I’m more positive and people say that they sense more light around me, something about me that they are attracted to!


Oliwią Ezayana is the real deal! She shares deeply profound insights and has access to direct knowing. It is evident if you have the opportunity to work with her in a one on one session or as a student. She has masterfully integrated spirituality and science and has the ability to down-step very complex teachings into practical, actionable, steps One can implement into transformational life experiences. In my personal experience working with Oliwia, she adeptly guided me through many sessions that lead to me the complete healing of my most traumatic experience of this lifetime, I am truly free of it.
Oliwia is living her life purpose, doing what she came here to do and more. Oliwia is a master teacher fully capable of assisting you in your transformation. Oliwia’s guidance is a powerful key to real transformation when you are ready to walk your own path to purpose.

Anastacia Townsend

Thanks to Oliwia and our regular energy healing sessions I was able to stop my medication for bipolar disease and feeling greater than ever. I’ve learnt so much about myself on all levels of my physical, emotional and astral bodies! My energetic imbalances have been corrected and I know now how to stay in the driver’s seat of my life. My kundalini has been activated as well – all my chakras are in good order which Oliwia monitors on a regular basis. I also was able to help my late family members’ souls as Oliwia knew how to access their frequencies and direct them to safety with help of her Guardians.

I could not ask for better energy healer than Oliwia. She is genuine , authentic and she really cares about my wellbeing. I’m looking forward to each session with her and will be forever grateful for all the effort she puts into making me feel comfortable in every way. I have no doubt that Oliwia is gifted beyond average person’s comprehension and regardless of her young age- very mature and responsive to her clients needs. Starting and continuing my sessions with her was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life.

