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Karma is the result of our Free Will choices. When we take actions that are not in accordance with the Divine Order (violating universal laws), they manifest in our template as distorted scalar waves that directly affect our DNA. They also manifest in our life drama as unfavorable situations that are direct consequences of our previous choices. 

Other very significant origins of karmic imprints come from the “VV” (Victim-Victimizer) Game that many of the souls on this planet got entangled in. We also pick up a lot of karmic imprints from the environemnt around us because of different insertions in our biofields. 

The Kathara Grid is the Core Manifestation Template from which the energetic and physical anatomy structures in the human body manifest. This is also the area of our anatomy where any distorted karmic patterns arise. Particular distortions in the Kathara Grid cut off our anatomy from higher dimensional frequencies, causing energetic blockages in various layers of the Light Body. 

 During the karmic cleansing session, I utilize intense contract removal as well as clearing the Kathara Grid imprint through the use of E-Lum’en-Air energies. This ensures integrity and self-alignment of your Kathara Grid imprint as well as the other aspects of your Light Body anatomy that are based upon it.  

Through re-discovering your personal karmic patterns, you can realize how they affect your current life and what can you do in order to re-pattern these. By clearing the Kathara Grid and karmic contracts, you become more aware of yourself and how your past choices are affecting your current life situation and what you can do to change that. 
