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MY EXPERIENCE WITH THE NYYAC (No-mi’-yah YhU-Se’thra YhU-Rha’-yah Alhumbhra Council) 🀍✨️

🀍 in the latest KDDL session 10 (which was streamed on June 4th) we were given the name of the new council which is supporting this planet with the ascension process: the No-mi’-yah YhU-Se’thra YhU-Rha’-yah Alhumbhra Council (NYYAC).
🀍 ever since I heard the name of this council something has shifted in me and I felt like it’s some kind of a family I would like to reconnect with again.
🀍 during my morning meditation when I was activating my H.A.P.P.Y. B.U.B.B.L.E. and experiencing myself in the ELF LUV Field, I suddenly traveled with my consciousness very high. it used to happen to me before but I have never traveled this high… the frequencies were so intense that all I could see was the white plasma light shining with raindbow sparkles ✨️ I decided to keep a part of my consciousness there so I could partially experience this new realm, I felt very much guided by my Higher Self to check out this new space.
🀍 during one of my sessions which I had last week, me and a friend of mine, @Manuela, experienced the presence of these wonderful beings. we were holding a session for Manuela’s daughter and I must admit it was quite challenging to heal the metatronic reversals located in the structure. that’s when these frequencies became very helpful.
🀍 during my session, when I was struggling very much with clearing and regenerating the etheric structures that’s when suddenly these frequencies started to come through my body. my hands started to burn and I began to collect this energy in my Heart of Eff-E’Mah Point and then send it through my palms to the body. I was amazed with how quickly these energies were healing the organs and energetic structures.
🀍 me and Manuela Telegrafcic felt the frequencies a lot over the next few days, feeling the sensations of heat, 3rd eye activations and feeling pureness and true love coming from these energies. I used to get different activations during my sessions and enjoy the frequencies along with people I was working with but this has been the most powerful activation so far.
🀍 that also gives me a feeling that we will be working on activation of the YhU-Se’thra Body which could be another level of the Plasma Body. perhaps we will experience some of these frequencies during the upcoming Hostmasters series.
🀍 I feel like receiving the Spark of the Arc of the Covenant (which we got during the latest activation in KDDL3 Session 10B) was the first step to open our multidimensional anatomy and Plasma Body to these energies. when I worked with the Nomiyah YhU-Se’thra, I saw that the Arc of the Convenant in my Heart of Eff-E’Mah Point is actually transforming into a huge white flame. I feel until today a small pressure or tingling sensations in this area and I felt it very intensively on the day of the activation.
🀍 being inside the ELF Field feels like being in a void, while enjoying the spaces where the NYYAC energies are, is basically feeling the infinite state of the peacefulness. you’re feeling the infinite energies which are nurturing, loving and gentle.
🀍 the NYYAC frequencies are definitely puryfing and cleaning our anatomies faster than any other energies. I feel like these energies are slowly coming down and we are all gonna be experiencing them very soon.
🀍 the message I got while experiencing myself in the fields where the NYYAC are were: “We are the LUV. the LUV that heals, the LUV that builds. We are the love of God-EFFI-Source”.
🀍 NYYAC are the Alhumbhra essences which gifted us the activations that give us the quickest way home, back to unity with the EFFI. thanks to the frequencies they are transmitting we are able to reconnect with the Amenti Sphere and thus link with the M31 Andromeda galaxy.
🀍 has any of you experienced the wonderful presence of the NYYAC already? let me know if you have, their energies are just so pure and lovely! the best ones I have experienced so far!