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πŸ’—πŸ¦‹ WHAT ARE THE 5RRRS? πŸ¦‹πŸ’—

πŸ’— the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Recconection (abbreviated as “5RRR”) is an Eternal 1st Creation Code Program that is comprised of a series of 5 Interrelated Cycles of very specific Transplaneal energetic processes, dynamics and mechanics that together exist as an organic aspect of the greater Eternal “Nomi Code” Program (the Nomi’yah 1st Encryption Core Program of the EFFI).
πŸ’— the 5RRR Program is part of the Krystal River Fail-Safe Host Universal Grand Salvage Mission (“the Triumph of the Triumphs”) by & through which External Creation Phantom-FALL and GONE-FALL planets, stars, and Universal Black-Hole FALL Systems and the Races and Beings entrapped within them can achieve Krystal Bridge Passage for organic Re-Evolutionary Return to the Eternal EFFI Consciousness Field.
πŸ’— the process of Re-Evolutionary Rise Reconnection is the organic process of Krystal-Bridge Passage by which organic Template Reconnection to the Eternal Life Cosmoverse is regenerated; it is an organic aspect, attribute and “last-chance remedy” inherent to Natural Eternal Laws of Transplaneal, Multidimensional, Cosmoversal Unified Field Physics.
πŸ’— the 5RRR is the final option of remedy for restoration, reclamation & salvage of the organic Eternal-Life Evolutionary potentials of both imperiled External Creation Phantom-FALL & GONE-FALL Systems, before those systems fully de-evolve to the irreversible out-coke of Space-Dust Return atomic vaporization.
πŸ’— the 5RRR work in Harmonic engagement with the Natural Eternal Laws of Unified Field Physics, utilizing the vast organic Frequency Spectra inherent to the YhU-Rha’-LA Kinservatory, the EFFI Infinitum, the Eff-i-yah Field, the ELF-LUV Field and the 3 Domain Orientations, to progressively regenerate and reestablish the organic Plasma Time-Template interconnections between the imperiled FALL-System and the Eternal-Life Living Cosmoversal System from which the imperiled system originally Fell.
πŸ’— the 5RRR usually take place individually and linear-sequentially, over long periods of time, with one Cycle-Set completing before the next Cycle-Set in the sequence begins. Under certain extreme circumstances the 5 Cycle-Sets CAN “run concurrently” with the sequence of Cycle-Sets running sequential-simultanously, in which the organic sequence is retained, but one Cycle-Set does not complete before the next Cycle-Set in the sequence begins.
πŸ’— Earth, being a full Nomi-Code noble planet positioned within a Phantom-FALL galaxy (Milky Way/Procyak Galaxy entered Phantom-FALL status 360-350 BYA) has been on the SLOW-Path of the Re-Evolutionary RISE Recconection for over 4 Billion Years. However, due to the progressive escalation of the contemporary “Invisible Templar Conquest Final Conflict Drama” that has been unfolding on Earth since the 2000 beginning of Earth’s 2000-2017 SAC (Stellar Activation Cycle, Star Gate Opening Cycle), further escalations of Earth’s planetary “Storms of the Centuries’ drama 8/2008+ & the extreme circumstances of the 11/8-9/2016+ “7 Trumpets Tower” drama and resultant YhU-Rha’-Dha Awakening (RECLAMATION Cycle Set 5 actiavtion), Earth is now on the highly expedited evolutionary FAST-Path of the 5RRR Concurrent Engagement.
πŸ’— Through Concurrent Engagement of the 5-Cycle-Sets of Re-Evolutionary RISE Recconection, Earth and its Life-Field begins the long, sacred Re-Evolutionary journey of rejoining the Eternally Positive Context of Existence.
the 5RRRs are:
πŸ’— RECLAMATION (The YhU-Rha-Dha Awakening)
(excerpts from KDDL3 Session 7A, purchase the KDDL3 on website under “Live Events” section to get more information on the 5RRS and other related topics.)
✨️ the 5RRR is the last chance for the Phantom and Gone Fall Systems to achieve their last chance for ascension and returning back to Source in its original form. thanks to the circumstances of the Krystal River Fail-Safe Host we have been given this opportunity to get through this rapid cycle of reclaiming back our connection to the Eternal Life systems.
✨️ in simple terms, the Eternal Life systems are those which have indelible connection to the Source/EFFI and which don’t have any reversals in their Plasma Template. this is where we are heading to basically – we are activating our Plasma Bodies (both the planet as well as its life field), healing all of the reversals there and completing our Way Back Home to the EFFI. thanks to the 5RRRs this process is occurring much more rapidly.
✨️ Earth is currently a host planet for other fallen systems giving them the last chance for bioregenesis. all of the events that our planet has been through brought us to this point where we have been given this wonderful gift of the YhU-Rha’-Dha Force and now we can reclaim back our lost potential which is something that many of us have been waiting for a very long time.
✨️ thanks to the activation of the Nomi Seed in Earth’s planetary core (11/2016) we are able to begin the activation of the Nomi Code in our DNA Template which will allow us to synchronize with the planet and follow up with the frequencies that Earth will be receiving as we will be progressing with the 5RRRs.