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Entering the Lull Point.

🩡 if I had to mention one thing that is essential for me to embody these days, that would be the frequency of PEACE.
🩷 there is so much going on in the world right now, on the public arena as well as on the energetic “unseen” one. the frequencies are very powerful and dynamic, giving me and other people I’ve been talking to different physical (as well as emotional, mental, astral..) body sensations. however, I noticed that the more frequency of peace I embody, the more comfortable this process gets. even if I feel different sensations in my body, the frequency of peace makes it better.
🩡 usually on my sessions when my clients ask me what they would need to change about their daily routine the message I get is “a moment of peace”. a moment where you could be in your own space, without any uncomfortable thoughts, just you interacting with the frequency of peace and love-LUV.
🩷 the meditation which I found the most effective when it comes to receiving high frequencies but at the same time balancing your body to the state of absolute peace is the One Thing Daily – “Receiving the LUV” Meditation.
*LUV = Lowest Unified Velocity.
🩡 that’s exactly what this meditation is about – entering the state of harmonious co-resonance with your Eternal Authentik Self and Receiving the LUV – “Internal Creation Pan-Clair’ah E’LAisian D-Planes Infrared/Infra-Pink Spectra” (KDDL2 manual, page 160)
🩷 during this meditation I was able to feel and experience the Eternal Presence of the EFFI, feeling its Eternal Nature embodied in every single being. this meditation has probably given me the deepest experiences possible when it comes to feeling the wonderful presence of the Source.
🩡 the frequencies are very healing as well. I have always been suggested by the Guardians to practice this mediation before energy-challenging sessions and even apply this frequency in different healing modalities. it has always been making other people a lot more calm, happy and relaxed. it has also the power to actually regenerate the physical body, I’ve felt that many times while breathing in the pink LUV frequency to the body parts which needed support and the results were effective.
🩷 the frequencies are very protective too, I always feel so safe, peaceful and secure in the ELF-LUV Field. I feel like I cannot be interfered by anything when I do this meditation and that the Shield of Lila and TrhU’ah are protecting me too. and that even after finishing this meditation, I am still filled with these frequencies and so is the H.A.P.P.Y. Bubble around me.
🩡 on the last part, where you ask the EFFI about one thing that you need to know, you might get just a small feeling, a deep emotion or even a vision. at some point, I started getting some very intense memories of my previous lives and then it turned out very quickly that I needed these memories in order to figure out some drama that was happening in my 3D life. so indeed that’s what I needed to know and I thank EFFI for reminding me this knowledge just on time!
🩷 entering the Lull Point is basically the point where all of the forces from Internal and External Creation reach point zero. this basically means that you’re at absolute peace, you might get a sensation as if you are alone in a void, just levitating somewhere where nothing else is disturbing you.
🩡 in a nutshell, access to ELF-LUV Field gives many benefits:
πŸ‘‰ it helps you embody the frequency of peace and calms your mind
πŸ‘‰ it supports your Plasma Body and your physical-bioenergetic systems
πŸ‘‰ it allows for a deep experience of Eternal Presence of the EFFI
πŸ‘‰ it gives you an access to deeper knowledge from higher dimensional levels
πŸ‘‰ it charges your body with high frequencies (Integral Bridge Plasma Flows)
πŸ‘‰ it gives you a good energetic protection from any kind of interdimensional interferences
πŸ‘‰ it allows you to feel more peaceful, joyful and at a state of harmonic co-resonance with the universe.
if you have any interesting experiences with this type of meditation, you can share it in the comments section! πŸ™‚
much LUV and peace, Oliwia Ezayana πŸ’œ