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πŸ’œπŸ’«βœ¨οΈ the frequency of LUV, TrhU’th and Peace – the key to our freedom.

πŸ’« LUV, peace and TrhU’th. these are the 3 main factors that each Krystic should live by in order to be able to reconnect with their Eternal Self.
πŸ’« ,,In the Eff-i-yah opinion, Earth humans have been genetically captured, energetically castrated and intentionally cultivated to be clueless, powerless and inorganically mortal. With a return of the Eternal ELF-LUV (Equilibrium Lull Force – Lowest Unified Velocity), Earth humanity has opportunity to reclaim its heritage as Bringers of the Eternal, and to stand as an exemplary model of the Ever-Shining Perpetuity of Eternal Nature to “All Life Everywhere”. (KDDL2 Manual, p. 151)
πŸ’« the reason why we got into this situation is the incredible interdimensional manipulation that we became victims of. even during the times of Tara 560MYA we were deceived by Templar Solar Initiates and misused the Planetary Core which caused our fall to the lower Density. Same happened during the fall of Atlantis 9558BC, wrong use of the crystal temple technologies caused the fall of this continent.
πŸ’« this victim-victimizer games has been going on for ages now, not just within the human collective but also manifesting in the karmic patterns of certain individuals. on my healing sessions, I often deal with people repeating the same vicious circle, experiencing constant patterns of being dependent on someone’s energies and their potential being blocked. the key to getting out of this, is reclaiming your own RIGHT to freedom and energetic independence.
πŸ’« just like every individual, the Collective Consciousness also needs to drawn certain conclusions from the past and regain its path towards ascension. that can be done through working with these karmic imprints and embodying Love which is the Eternal State of Harmonic Co-Resonance with anything that exists.
πŸ’« we embody each frequency to our bodies through the DNA Template. human body itself is a wave form which has the ability to attract other frequency waves and thus expand its form and consciousness. Love, Grace, Gratitude, Joy, Peace – these are all frequency Spectra which correspond to certain codes located in our DNA Template.
πŸ’« embodying and living with the 12 Attitudes and Responsibilities mentioned by E’Asha Ashayana helps us with not just becoming better people, but with becoming more spiritually conscious & integrated. the way we can create our world is through integrating these noble traits and working consciously on spreading these frequencies to other people.
πŸ’« the question arises, why many of us actually experience the negative emotions. sorrow, anger or hatred are inorganic reversed frequencies which manifest as reversals in our DNA Template. when we came across people who are defined as “sociopaths” in terms of science and sociology, they are actually lacking certain codes in their template, codes responsible for feeling the organic emotions of Love or Gratitude.
that also allows us to see the bigger picture from a different perspective – the Fallen Angelics because of their reversals in the DNA. they lack empathy and act instinctively, their main purpose is to fight and conquer.
πŸ’« working with the Plasma frequencies and the VARs (virtues, attitudes, responsibilities) clears our DNA Template progressively from these reversals, allowing us to embody the frequencies of LUV, peace and TrhU’th.
πŸ’« ,,As an originally Pan-Clair’ah Template Creation, the Angelic Human Template was originally born OF the LUV, THROUGH the LUV, as an EMBODIMENT of the LUV… to serve as a “bringer, carrier, creator, and steward of the ELF-LUV”, and as Ambassador of Eternal Life Creation and the Eternal LUV of EFFI”. (KDDL2 Manual, p.151)

