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abductions have always been widely discussed when taking about ETs, implanting and other technologies. while it may seem like the amount of abductions is decreasing nowadays, there are still many souls struggling with post-abduction traumas and trapped emotional patterns.
the most common abductions take place during the dreamstate. (astral abductions)
physical abductions are a lot more rare.
the main reason why the abductions take place is the DNA Template. people who have the original pure Angelic Human 12-Strand DNA Template, the Silicate Matrix (the “Crystal Gene”), Nomi Code or other high frequency genetic configurations are especially vulnerable to getting abducted.
,,Zeta do whatever possible to keep the Starseed from awakening to its true identity. A sleeping Starseed is not a threat (and is a prime for manipulation). Much of the brainwashing program has been employed to keep the starseeds sleeping through distraction and fear of their own identities as appearing “out of the norm”. (Voyagers I, the Sleeping Abductees p. 164).
and not just the Zetas. I’ve seen people being kidnapped by many different races even though “the Greys” are the most recognizable among the pop culture when it comes to abductions.
the most common things that I have seen being done with people include taking their DNA samples for cloning or experiments of all kinds, implants and technologies being inserted into their subtle anatomy in order to mind control, manipulate and prevent from awakening as well as causing traumas in the Mental and Emotional Bodies, later causing perceptual blockages and difficulties with developing HSP (higher sensory perception).
how to figure out you are being/used to be abducted?
👉 memories of holographic dreams such as being in a spaceship, seeing different entities and such
👉 lack of childhood memories, feeling of emptiness
👉 childhood traumas often being holographic projections
👉 conscious memories of interdimensional experiences
👉 electromagnetic anomalies in the house, wormholes, black holes, portals
👉 nightmares, sense of being afraid to fall asleep, sleep paralysis
👉 feeling of being blocked on the subtle anatomy levels, implants, chips and seals are often implanted during the abductions
the solutions to the abductions include…
✨️ healing the emotional and mental traumas and releasing the trapped energies
✨️ using energetic protection before going to sleep (eg. Wind of the Breath)
✨️ getting rid of the Astral and Etheric Implants
✨️ getting back stolen pieces of your DNA, blood and parts of consciousness (Krystal River Prayer works really good for it)
✨️ conscious work with your soul and your Eternal Self (includes working on getting to know your soul contract)
✨️ cleaning the chakras and other energetic systems.
much love and peace,
Oliwia Ezayana 💫